The most important aspect of marketing Real Estate is making sure the right people know the property is available for sale. That means having expert knowledge of the area and making sure all of the marketing efforts are directed at Buyers and Agents that are interested in your property and are actively looking in your area.
We do this with well designed, easy to understand marketing material, which is directed to your marketplace on a variety of platforms. From web, print, email and direct mail, we utilize all the tools available to give our listings the best exposure possible.
Chris regularly receive referrals from other realtors. Chris is "hands-on" professionals who keeps the referring agent or member of the public constantly informed on all progress being made with their transaction. Referrals from satisfied clients and other agents are always treated as TOP PRIORITY!
Chris provide an effective plan for all their clients - a plan that includes a formal marketing strategy, advertising package and much, much more.
As a referrer, you can expect:
- Regular Progress Reports
- Regular Telephone Communications
- The Best Service, Your Clients Will Be
- Treated in a Caring & Professional Manner
If you wish to confirm a referral request at this time, CLICK HERE
Chris Kozaryn Moblie : 604 - 720 - 5694
305-9940 Lougheed Highway, Email :
Burnaby, V3J 1N3, CA